Ukraine; Russian political identity; identity politics; Russia 1 TV channel; antagonistic discourse; significant otherAbstract
The mass protests in Russia in 2011-2012 prompted the authorities to search for what later became known as “spiritual bonds”. One of the “spiritual bonds” is the idea of brotherhood with the post-Soviet peoples. Among them Ukraine and Belarus - are the closest choice, and if Belarus is relatively stable in relation to Russia, Ukraine is mobile. For now the Ukrainian theme dominates in television discourse. We can trace the role of the image of Ukraine at the formation stage of a modern communication strategy using content-analysis of news materials of one of the main conductors of the state identity politics - TV channel "Russia 1" at the break of the socalled "protest year" in December 2011 and December 2012. Everything is clear with the image of the enemy and the image of the partner on the Russia 1 TV channel in the year of protest: the United States and the collective West are the embodiment of everything insidious, wrong, China is a role model. The plots about Ukraine, on the other hand, reveal interesting indentitarian strategies and show the subtleties of the state political identity, raising such topics of Russian political identity as the influence of the West, the discourse of a lost power, and the European choice.References
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