young people; youth politics; social profiles of youth; destructive practices; conflicts; Krasnodar regionAbstract
The authors discuss the emergence of destructive socio-political practices in the youth communities of the Krasnodar Region, Russia, and make recommendations to reduce their negative impact at the regional level in terms of the youth policy. The study lays in conceptual frames of life strategies of youth (developed by Yu. A. Zub and V. I. Chuprov), of the humanistic concept of youth (I. M. Ilinsky), and the ladder of participation of the youth (R. Hart). The paper represents the comprehensive study conducted in two stages resulting in revelation and characterization of youth communities. The groups are characterized according to their life strategies of self-determination typical for different semantic cultures coexisting in the youth environment of Russia. In the communities of young people revealed in the study, the two major types of socio-political behavior and attitudes are emphasized: openly and directly destructive forms of public behavior, and indirectly destructive behavior limiting the potential of development and application of youth policies. Tackling imitating forms of public conduct and increasing the level of actual participation of young people in the implementation of the youth policies together with older generations for the joint solutions will contribute to minimizing risks of destructive practices and the development of the constructive potential of the youth.References
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