combine elections; elections to the State Duma; regional elections; the partyAbstract
The article discusses the genesis of the electorate of the “New People” party, which was elected to the State Duma of the eighth convocation. To this end, it analyzes which parties the voters who supported the "New People" in the Duma elections voted for, in cases when this party did not participate in the regional elections. Eight regions where the "New People" received more than 6% of the votes in the Duma elections are selected for analysis. Correlation and regression analysis methods are used to check the relations between the result of "New People" in the Duma elections and the difference in the results of the regional and Duma elections of the parties participating in both campaigns. The results obtained indicate that the electorate of the "New People" did not have a dominant preference for the "second choice": they voted for different parties, for almost all the parties represented in the regional ballot. At the same time, in different regions, the voters of the "New People" had different priorities regarding the "second choice". Nevertheless, for a significant part of the "New People" supporters, the most preferred vote was for "Just Russia" and "the Russian Party of Pensioners for Social Justice".References
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