“identity portfolio”; all-Russian identity; ethnic identity; religious identity; all-Russian symbols and mean-ings; North Caucasus; expert assessmentAbstract
The article presents the results of expert assessment of the state, risks and resources of strengthening the all-Russian identity in federal subjects of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasian Federal District. An in-depth analysis of the “identity portfolio” of the North Caucasian residents reveals the insignificant predominance of the all-Russian identity in the structure of the “identity portfolio”. The authors conclude that, though the existing hierarchy of identities of the North Caucasian population is optimal for a polyethnic region, in modern conditions it is necessary to increase the role of the all-Russian identity as an integrating component. The multi-vector nature of the formation and strengthening of the all-Russian identity in the North Caucasian republics and Stavropol Krai at the level of the federal subjects are shown, and this requires a correction of the regional identity policy. It is concluded that the main subject of the formation of the all-Russian identity is state institutions. To increase the effectiveness of identity policy in the region the symbolic component of identity policy should be intensified, civil society should be involved in this work at a much larger scale and the resources of cultural and educational institutions should be used more actively.References
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