


ethnopolitical and confessional relations; ethnopolitical process; Crimea; questionnaire surveys


The article identifies the factors of ethnic and interconfessional relations, conducts a comparative analysis of public opinion of the residents of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol on this topic. The article is carried out within the framework of the constructivist approach and is based on questionnaire surveys organized by political scientists of Kuban State University. As a result of the analysis of the development of ethnopolitical relations, the authors explain a decrease in the level of conflict between general political, ethnic and confessional factors. The economic and socio-demographic factors of ethnopolitical relations are still significant. The territorial contrast of ethnopolitical and confessional relations in the Crimea remains. Interethnic and inter-confessional relations are assessed by the respondents as personally significant and influencing political processes, to a greater extent in the Republic of Crimea. Interethnic and interconfessional relations are perceived as a significant factor of development dependent on socio-economic and political circumstances. The inter-group distances are reduced in relation to Russians and Orthodox Christians and increased in relation to Crimean Tatars and Muslims. The asymmetry of perceptions of conflict between ethnic and confessional groups is established. Civil identity is most common among Russian youth, the least common among Crimean Tatar.

Author Biographies

A. V. Baranov, Kuban State University

Head of the Department of Political Science and Political Management

S. V. Vasyuk, individual entrepreneur

individual entrepreneur


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Political institutions, processes, technologies