Autonomous Republic of Crimea; Ukraine; Russia; annexation; Russian-speaking population; Black Sea Fleet; economyAbstract
The article considers Crimea’s political meaning within Ukraine in 1991-2014 and analyzes the main chal-lenges in Kyiv-Simferopol relations. Based on the extensive database, the conclusion concerning the illegal joining of the Republic of Crimea to Ukraine in 1990s is made. The article analyzes the destructive influ-ence of the Russian and Russian-speaking population of the peninsula on the Ukrainian statehood for-mation. The role of the pro-Russian organizations and the Russian-speaking population in Crimea’s break-away from Ukraine is defined. The author studies the role of the Black Sea Fleet for Ukraine used as a tool to impose pressure on Russia and to increase its power in the eyes of NATO. Crimea’s contribution to the Ukrainian economy is assessed and the key branches of industry and agriculture of the Autonomous Re-public of Crimea are identified. The article concludes that the conflict between Kyiv and Simferopol and Crimea’s accession to Russia was inevitable and was predetermined by the controversial policy of the Ukrainian authorities. Absence of importance of the Crimean Peninsula for Ukraine from the perspective of economic development, a single Ukrainian nation formation and security was also traced.References
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