


Finno-Ugric "world"; transfrontier language community; “community of glottogenesis”; “soft power”; identity; the cultural capitals of the Finno-Ugric "world"


The article studies the Finno-Ugric "world", understood as a transfrontier language community and its ac-tors. The author marks tendencies of unification in the Finno-Ugric community of the 1990s and a stage of «disintegration» in the 2000s. The study goal is to explain the ongoing processes in the context of the foreign policy of several western countries engaged and ethnic fragmentation among the Russian Finno-Ugric peoples. For this purpose, the work describes the creation of the Finno-Ugric community, the insti-tutional setting and the results of the World Congresses; the role of the Finno-Ugric “world” in the foreign policies of Western countries. Attention is paid to practices aimed at constructing a common Finno-Ugric identity, among which the initiative "Cultural Capitals of the Finno-Ugric World" is noted. The author concludes that the Finno-Ugric “world” is a symbolically constructed project that connects the divergent positions of a diverse circle of participants, typologically defined as “the glottogenesis communi-ty”, where symbolic and discursive principles prevail over material ones. Moreover, bilateral and multilat-eral interactions between “western” and “eastern” Finno-Ugric peoples in the culture, science and educa-tion are more likely projections of the “soft power” of Finland, Hungary and Estonia than aspirations to create a common Finno-Ugric space.

Author Biography

O. B. Yanush, Kazan State Power Engineering University

Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Law


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How to Cite

Yanush О. Б. (2021). FINNO-UGRIC "WORLD" AS A SYMBOLICALLY CONCTRUCTED PROJECT. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, 15(3), 60–76.