Big Data; political process; policy; public administration; decision making process; Ackoff’s pyramid; polit-ical actorsAbstract
This article analyzes the theoretical research base of the last decade on the use of big data in the decision-making process in public administration and describes the methodology proposed by Van der Voort for evaluating the influence of the two elements on each other. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that there is an extensive study of the use of big data in public administration with an emphasis on potential benefits and threats that conditionally divides researchers into techno-optimists and techno-pessimists. Most studies are empirical in nature, however, they are fragmented and use different approaches to identify the relationships between big data and political decision making. The question arises as to how can we ver-ify or evaluate the relationship between big data and the political decision-making process, taking into ac-count both the dubious reliability of the data used in the process and the interests of decision-makers. The article describes the methodology proposed by Van der Voort for assessing these relationships taking into account the role of actors in the political decision-making process using big data, as well as their interests and values.References
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