totalitarianism; political systems; forms of government; ideology; democracy; liberalismAbstract
Research of totalitarianism in modern science is changing. Over time, it has become clear that it is necessary to revise the basic approaches to the study of this problem. The article is devoted to the research of the main theoretical concepts of totalitarianism of the XX-XXI centuries for their bias. An attempt is made to systematically analyze existing works in order to identify similar and different features in approaches to the study. The methodology is based on the analysis of the works of leading philosophers and political scientists. The comparative research method helps to see how much scientific works and their authors are engaged. The research determines the parallels that exist between the dominant and less widespread views on the phenomenon of totalitarianism. The authors consider different levels of problems that hinder the formation of a detached scientific discourse about this phenomenon. The analysis of individual works helps to formulate and understand the main views on this political regime. The main result of the research is the possibility of raising the question of the objectivity of the approaches of European and American scientists in the study of totalitarianism.References
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