civic consciousness, patriotism, political culture, ideology, conservatism, liberalism, socialism, political moralityAbstract
The article examines the ideological content of the concept of "civic consciousness" used in the public discourse of modern Russia. The main research method is a qualitative analysis of official publications aimed at identifying the main meanings of this concept. The article is dedicated to the analysis of civic consciousness as an ideological construct and a rhetorical strategy, substantiating the close historical and actual connection between ideology and civic consciousness, and considering the mutual determination of the functions of these phenomena. The main characteristics of sources that embody Russia's state model of civic consciousness are presented. The author shows the importance of historical dynamics of models of civic consciousness, their dependence on the phase of the evolution of each particular ideology. The author reveals that the model of civic consciousness is a value regulator of the political behavior of the population. The article concludes that the post-Soviet model of civic consciousness is an ideological mechanism for imposing duties and responsibilities on an individual, forming a mobilizing attitude to military or civil service to the state, that is, the ruling Corporation. This model cannot be effective for the development of social and human capital and political modernization of Russian society, since it preserves archaic political practices.DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2021-1-74-83References
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