political technologies, public opinion, Internet media, reunification of Crimea with Russia, media agenda, framingAbstract
In the information society, the relevance of managing public opinion through the Internet media is growing. The article deals with the use of political technologies for setting the agenda and framing in the Russian Internet media during the reunification of Crimea with Russia. For this purpose, we analyzed the materials of the leading Russian-language Internet media concerning the reunification and published in 2017 – early 2019. On the basis of quantitative indicators, the main topics that dominate the media agenda were identified. If online media assess the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation in a mainly positive way, then they cover in more detail such topics as the support for the country's foreign policy position by foreign politicians, as well as the visits of foreign delegations to Crimea; Russia’s response to international policy challenges related to reunification; holiday and cultural events; events of February – March 2014. The negative interpretation of the integration of Crimea determines the dominance of news stories on sanctions and criticism of Russian policy by representatives of foreign countries. The research findings suggest that there takes place fragmentation in the political segment of the online media audience. Russian online media use differing frames when covering the reunification of Crimea with Russia. These differences are due to the orientation of online media to different segments of the fragmented audience. The paper substantiates that the technologies for setting the media agenda and framing are applied systematically, which allows online media to more effectively influence public opinion. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-2-47-56References
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