nation, language, policy of bilingualism, conflict, regional authorities, national movementsAbstract
Tatarstan traditionally pays considerable attention to the policy towards ethnic groups. This also applies to the policy of bilingualism adopted by the political leadership of the region in the early 1990s. This policy became the subject of controversy in the 2000s, which formed the basis of the ethno-linguistic conflict. In July 2017, after President Vladimir Putin condemned the situation when a non-native language was taught in schools on a compulsory basis, a transformation of the language problem occurred and the composition of the participants changed, which led to an increase in opposition sentiments in the region. The article examines the views of radical and moderate national movements (both Russian and Tatar), federal and regional authorities, the opinions of representatives of religious authorities, as well as the position of civil activists concerning the linguistic problem. The analysis showed substantial differences in assessing the importance of the issue, which affects the actors’ interaction in resolving the language problem. The lack of dialogue between various social groups significantly reduces the likelihood of finding a generally acceptable solution to the problem. According to the author, the causes of the language problem lie not in interethnic relations but rather in the unsolved problems of the social and political sphere. DOI: 10.17072/2218-1067-2019-1-101-109References
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