The institutional evolution of administrative reforms in China and Russia: reciprocal exchange of experience


  • Дмитрий Красильников / Dmitry Krasilnikov Perm State University
  • Ольга Сивенцева / Olga Sivenceva Perm State University
  • Елизавета Троицкая / Elizaveta Troitzkaya Perm State University


Western management models, New Public Management, Good Governance, administrative reforms, institutional evolution


The article is devoted to the main stages of administrative reforms in China and Russia. Each of the stages is considered in terms of borrowing Western management models, namely New Public Management and Good Governance. In the course of research into institutional evolution of Russian and Chinese administrative reforms, we investigate the elements of the above-named models and the strategies used by the political leaders for their adaptation to the public administration systems. The possibilities for reciprocal exchange of experience between China and Russia are definedDOI:

Author Biographies

Дмитрий Красильников / Dmitry Krasilnikov, Perm State University

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of State and Municipal Management

Ольга Сивенцева / Olga Sivenceva, Perm State University

Senior Lecturer

Елизавета Троицкая / Elizaveta Troitzkaya, Perm State University

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Dmitry Krasilnikov Д. К. /, Olga Sivenceva О. С. /, & Elizaveta Troitzkaya Е. Т. /. (2018). The institutional evolution of administrative reforms in China and Russia: reciprocal exchange of experience. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (4), 192–218. Retrieved from