European right-wing populism and nationalism: revisiting the correlation of features
nationalism, right-wing populism, the Other, ethnicity, identityAbstract
The paper examines right-wing populism in contemporary Europe, focusing on nationalism as a structural feature of the discourse of European right-wing populist parties. Nationalism and right-wing populism are analyzed in the light of the most important existing theories. The authors prove the existence of an organic interconnection between nationalism and right-wing populism, define the basic concepts, distinguish three key groups of the right-wing populist “Others”, and trace the nationalist rhetoric elements in the discourse of populist parties in different European sub-regions. Populism per se is defined as a strategy of political struggle which involves anti-elitism, anti-pluralism and self-identification with people’s will. However, populism understood this way is not sufficient enough to form the ideological base of political entities; it lacks some additional ideological element. The definition of nationalism as active loyalty of a person to the cultural community he or she is now connected with by most solid identity ties, based on the constructivist ethnicity paradigm, makes it possible to connect the nationalist phenomenon with a wide range of populist manifestations, from moderate to radical ones. The use of the dichotomy of “exclusive” and “inclusive” nationalisms proved its relevance for the purposes of singling out rightwing populism. Thus, it is nationalism that distinguishes right-wing populism as a strategic and ideological complexity from populism per se as a mere political strategy. The empirics used in the article include data on the rhetoric of right-wing populist parties concerning immigrants with a Muslim background, Jews, Roma and Sinti. The authors point to the civilizational nature of nationalism in Western Europe, analyze changes in nationalist rhetoric in a moment when a populist party tries to become a part of the establishment, and how right-wing populists vote in the European Parliament when the anti-nationalist resolutions are discussed. The authors conclude that a nationalist marker enables researchers to distinguish right-wing populism from other forms of populism and contributes to categorizing and revealing the particularities of national right-wing populism models. DOI:
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