The competitions for the municipal head positions in the Perm region: effects of procedural rules


  • Анна Зуйкина / Anna Zuikina Perm National Research Polytechnic University
  • Юлия Кочнева / Yulia Kochneva Perm National Research Polytechnic University


procedural rules, competition for the election of the head, local government, institutional choice, institutional effects


Although Perm regional authorities have introduced a «competitive model» of recruiting municipal heads in all municipal units of the region, the procedure for the contest remains under the control of local self-government bodies. Procedural rules, however, have definite political consequences, and political actors tend to promote their preferences concerning the rules of the contest. Based on compara-tive analysis, the paper examines the cases of the deviation of municipalities from «standard procedures», their causes and effects.DOI:

Author Biographies

Анна Зуйкина / Anna Zuikina, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and History

Юлия Кочнева / Yulia Kochneva, Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Graduate of the Department of Public Administration and History


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How to Cite

Anna Zuikina А. З. /, & Yulia Kochneva Ю. К. /. (2018). The competitions for the municipal head positions in the Perm region: effects of procedural rules. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 169–183. Retrieved from