The international of far-right parties and attempts of its political group formation



far-right parties, European Union, Brexit, European Parliament, Euroscepticism, international cooperation, Euro elections


The article examines the specific features of the development of the International of the European Union far-right parties and their attempts to cooperate at the international level. The author seeks to define the far-right parties’ opportunities to work conjointly within organized international groups through the example of their interaction in the European Parliament. The growth of Euroscepticism and radicalism, as well as the electoral progress of far-right parties over the past decades demonstrate a considerable strengthening of the position of the European Union far-right parties at the national and international levels. This results in their aspiration to form international groups to influence the European political agenda, together with allies. The successful combination of the internal development problems in European states and foreign policy actions is reflected in the political agenda of the far-right parties. Their active response to external challenges, views on the development of the European Union and proposals for dramatic changes lead to the growth of their electoral base. The importance of the far-right parties is surely growing in the international context, and the current Eurosceptic trends promote this process. Having strengthened their positions at the national level, far-right parties are ready for a new stage of international cooperation. Easiness of forming far-right coalitions is not new to political history; however, these unions did not seem to be strong previously. General political moods and events accompanying them provide a new base for forming the International of the far-right. In addition, the Brexit process made a considerable contribution to the development of international cooperation of the right-wing radicals. The paper presents a research on the history of the development of far-right parties in Europe. It analyzes their views, features of modern political climate of the European Union, the experience of coalition interaction, the Brexit factor and its influence on the European political climate. DOI:

Author Biography

Анжела Любимова / Angela Liubimova, Saint Petersburg State University

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Angela Liubimova А. Л. /. (2018). The international of far-right parties and attempts of its political group formation. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (3), 34–49. Retrieved from