The past in constructing national identity: grand narratives of Ukraine


  • Надежда Ефимищ / Nadezhda Yefimishch National Aviation University


Euromaidan, political protest, colored revolutions, infrastructure


The paper deals with the infrastructure of the protest created by the Euromaidan organizers in 2013–2014. The aim of the study is to assess the elements of the infrastructure, such as barricades, infrastructure for gathering resources, public catering, material base for accommodating protesters at night, provision of IT services and broadcasting, as well as medical assistance. The authors conclude that the Euromaidan infrastructure ensured the satisfaction of all basic needs of the ordinary members. A positive image of the future associated with Euromaidan was fixed in the minds of protesters. However, operation of the infrastructure required a constant infusion of significant funds.DOI:

Author Biography

Надежда Ефимищ / Nadezhda Yefimishch, National Aviation University

Vice-Director of the Centre of Contemporary Technologies


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How to Cite

Nadezhda Yefimishch Н. Е. /. (2018). The past in constructing national identity: grand narratives of Ukraine. Bulletin of Perm University. Political Science, (2), 77–90. Retrieved from