The Rite of Initiation in Romantic Works of Russian and Foreign Authors of the XIXth Century




The relevance of this paper is due to the fact that researchers of the rite of initiation in literary works have mostly ignored the works of the XIX century, focusing on the XX century. The aim of the work: to analyse how the initiation of the main characters occurs in the works of V. Zhukovsky and D. Byron. The material basis of the study was formed by the works of the following authors: A. Gennep, I.V. Vipulis, M. Eliade, G.V. Grinenko, T. I. Lipich, V. G. Simondon. The conclusion is that Harold and Conrad, the main characters of D. Byron's works, do not completely pass the initiation rite, as the experience gained within the liminal phase destroys them. In V. Zhukovsky's Svetlana, on the contrary, the protagonist undergoes a full initiation, as a result of which she receives new emergent qualities.

Author Biography

Vera N. Oksenchuk, Kaluga State University in the name of K. E. Tsiolkovsky

Postgraduate student of the Institute of Philology and Mass Media, the Department of Literature


2023-12-22 — Updated on 2023-12-29


How to Cite

Oksenchuk В. Н. (2023). The Rite of Initiation in Romantic Works of Russian and Foreign Authors of the XIXth Century. World Literature in the Context of Culture, 17(23), 72–81.Х-2023-17-72-81 (Original work published December 22, 2023)