Interpretation of the Image of Salome by Ronald Firbank




As a result of the analysis of the image of Princess in a short novel by Ronald Firbenka, it was concluded that the writer imitates the image of Salome, creates a pastiche. Firbank interprets the plot of Salome in the aspect of  everyday life, unlike, in particular, Wilde and Beardsley, who transferred the plot to another era, preserving its sublime pathos. The princess assigns herself the role of Salome, dances for herself, and the Saint is replaced by a dandy.

Author Biography

Irina A. Novokreshchennykh, Perm State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of World Literature and Culture


2022-12-30 — Updated on 2023-12-29


How to Cite

Novokreshchennykh И. А. (2023). Interpretation of the Image of Salome by Ronald Firbank. World Literature in the Context of Culture, 15(21), 118–126.Х-2022-15-118-126 (Original work published December 30, 2022)