[“Big and “Small” Worlds of Young Characters of “The Secret Garden” by F. Hudgson Burnett





The article is devoted to the analysis of the novel "The Secret Garden" by F. Hodgson Burnett. The two-way process of the influence of space on the child’s character and on ability of children to transform the world around is demonstrated. In the novel, the problems of education as a basis for the harmonious personality formation are discussed. Upbringing and self-education in the novel are the processes of a child's comprehension of culture (at a very different level) and nature. The key image in the novel is the image of the garden which becomes a symbol of the synthesis of culture and nature. Revived by the main characters of the novel, the garden becomes the place of their personal formation of rebirth. Certain aspects of the novel are compared with the novel "The Little Princess". Keywords: F.H. Burnett, "The Secret Garden", the image of child, space.

Author Biography

Varvara Byachkova, Perm State University

Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate professor iin the Departments of World Literature and Culture and English Language of Professional Communication



How to Cite

Byachkova В. А. (2021). [“Big and “Small” Worlds of Young Characters of “The Secret Garden” by F. Hudgson Burnett. World Literature in the Context of Culture, (13), 24–33. https://doi.org/10.17072/2304-909Х-2021-13-24-33