Thermometry saturation of apatite (the Kuzpuayu massif, the Subpolar Urals)


  • Yu. V. Denisova Institute of Geology FRC Komi SC UB RAS



apatite, granite, thermometry, the Kuzpuy massif, the Subpolar Urals.


The study of accessory minerals allows us to solve many questions of geology. Apatite can be used as a geochronometer (track method) and a geothermometer (apatite-biotite Ludington geothermometer, apatite Watson-Harrison geothermometer). Saturation thermometry of E. Watson and T. Harrison with the correction of F. Bea makes it possible to identify the temperature conditions of rock formation based on the data of the silicate method. The petrogenic elements contents analysis of the Kuzpuyu massif granite (the Subpolar Urals) established the temperature regime of the early magmatic stage of formation of the granites under consideration with an average temperature of 825°C.



How to Cite

Denisova Ю. В. (2024). Thermometry saturation of apatite (the Kuzpuayu massif, the Subpolar Urals). Problems of Mineralogy, Petrography and Metallogeny. Scientific Readings in Memory of P.N. Chirvinsky, (27), 3–7.