Distribution gold and silver content in the ores Andreevskoy and Il’inskoy mineralized dikes granitoids Berezovskogo deposit


  • Gennady Petrovich Dvornik Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, UB RAS
  • Egor Vadimovich Imamutdinov Ural State Mining University




dikes granitoids, sulfide-quartz veins, zone berezites, zoning, gold and silver, distribution content


Gold mineralization Berezovskogo deposit presented sulfide-quartz ores in the land veins and disseminated ores in border their zone berezites in mineralized dikes granitoids. In the Andreevskoy and Il’inskoy dikes deposit defined qualitg basic types of ores and tier vertical zoning in distribution gold mineralization in the dikes in the intervals of depth from 112-712 metres. In operation blocks deposit researched amplitude and frequency changenability in distribution gold and silver content in ores and their correlative connections.



How to Cite

Dvornik Г. П., & Imamutdinov Е. В. (2022). Distribution gold and silver content in the ores Andreevskoy and Il’inskoy mineralized dikes granitoids Berezovskogo deposit. Problems of Mineralogy, Petrography and Metallogeny. Scientific Readings in Memory of P.N. Chirvinsky, (25). https://doi.org/10.17072/chirvinsky.2022.55