About the Journal

We adhere to generally accepted principles of publishing ethics for editors, reviewers and authors, including attribution, plagiarism, research quality, unauthorized borrowing, and reviewer bad faith. We adhere to the ethical publishing standards recommended by the Scientific Publication Ethics Committee and the Publication Ethics Committee.

Responsibility of the author

Only articles that have not been previously published anywhere and have not been submitted for publication are accepted. Authors should avoid forgery, data falsification and plagiarism when preparing the manuscript. The research results must be confirmed by the organization where the author works, with the provision of a letter to the editorial board. Only authors who have made a significant contribution to the work submitted for publication should be included in the list of authors. All specialists who were involved in the preparation of the article but did not participate in the relevant research should be included in the list of thanks.

Responsibility of the editor

Editors must ensure that the peer review process is fair and that publication decisions are made in a timely manner. Editors train researchers to follow correct publishing ethics. Editors should not disclose information about submitted submissions and reviewers' comments.

Reviewer's responsibility

The reviewer must provide critical independent assessment of the work. The reviewer should contribute to improving the quality of the publication. The reviewer has no right to use the materials, data or any part of the manuscript in his own interests.


1. All manuscripts received by the editors of the collection and corresponding to its profile are subject to review.
2. The received materials are recorded in the register, which indicates the date of receipt of the manuscript. The article determines the correspondence of the article to the profile of the collection and the design requirements.
3. Peer review is carried out by members of the editorial board, who are leading experts in the field of earth sciences, with a doctorate or candidate of sciences and a scientific specialization close to the topic of the article. The reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the reviewed work.
4. The terms of reviewing in each individual case are determined by the members of the editorial board of the collection, taking into account the creation of conditions for the fastest possible publication of the article.
5. The review is carried out confidentially. The author of the article is given the opportunity to read the text of the review.
6. After receiving the reviews from the reviewers, the articles are reviewed by the rest of the editorial board for the final decision on the inclusion of the article in the collection. If the review is positive, the article is accepted for publication after correcting the comments.
7. In case of negative feedback, in order to avoid a one-sided view of the work, the article is sent for additional review to another specialist. In case of disagreement between two reviewers, the decision is made at a meeting of the editorial board. An article not recommended by the editors for publication is not accepted for reconsideration.