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R. A., Badikov
R. A., Evtekhov
Rabchevskiy, Andrey N., Perm State Univesity, "SEUSLAB" LLC
Rabchevskiy, Evgeniy, "SEUSLAB" LLC
Rabow-Edling, S.
Rachev, E. R.
Racheva, Nadezhda, Applied Ecology, Ural Environmental Research Institute, Perm State University
Radina, N. K., Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod – National Research University
Radmila Shevchenko, Радмила Шевченко/, V.I. Vernadsky Сrimean Federal University
Radostev, Dmitii, Perm State University
Radosteva , Anna G., Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University, 24 Sibirskaya St., Perm, 614990
Raevskaya, N. Y.
Ragina Petrova, Регина Петрова /, Perm Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch)
Ragozin, G. S.
Rakevich , Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, 19, Mira str., Ekaterinburg, 620002, Russia
Rakhimov, I. R., Institute of Geology UFRC RAS
Rakhimov, Ildar Rashitovich, Institute of Geology, UFRC RAS
Rakhimova, Maya V. , South Ural State Institute of Arts named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, 41, Plekhanov st., Chelyabinsk, 454091, Russia
Rakhuba, Alexander V., Samara Federal Research Scientific Center RAS Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin RAS, Togliatti, Russia
Rakin, Vladimir Ivanovich, Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Rakityanskaya, Irina L., ФГБОУ ВПО «Пермский государственный национальный исследовательский университет»
Rakov, T. N., St. Petersburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Science
Randolph, J.
Rashidov, Vladimir Alexandrovich, Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Rasputina, Elena A. , V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia

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