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Gasumova, Svetlana E., Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia
Gasumova , Svetlana Evgen’evna, Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia
Gatina, Evgenia L. , Perm State University
Gatina, Evgenia L., Perm State University, Perm, Russia
Gatskovskaya, V. А. , HSE University, Russia, Moscow
Gavrilev, Chokuur N. , M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, 58, Belinsky st., Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 677000, Russia
Gavrilov, S. V., Russian State University of Justice, Ural Branch
Gavrilova, Irina N., Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
Gavrilova, Irina N., Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Perm, Russia
Gayduk, V. L., National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Gayvoronskaya, Aleksandra A. , Smolensk humanitarian University; 2, Herzen str., Smolensk, 214014, Russia
Gazieva, L. L., Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
Gazimov, Timur F. , National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Gein, Oksana N. , Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Perm, Russia
Gein, Sergey V. , Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms of the Ural Branch of the RAS, Perm, Russia
Gekht, A. B.
Gerasimenko, Artem A. , Rostov-on-Don Antiplague Research Institute, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Gerasimenko, Maria V. , A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Gerasimenko, Tatyana I., Institute of Geography of the RAS, Moscow, Russia
Gerasimova, Aleksandra D., Perm State University
Gerasimova, V. A., Omsk State University
German, K. E.
Germanov, I. , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia
Germanov, I.A. , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia
Germanov, I.А. , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

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