Британский предреволюционный парламент в современной англоязычной историографии


  • A. V. Yushchenko Тюменский государственный университет

Ключевые слова:

Британия, парламент, историография, У. Ноутстейн, К. Рассел


Рассмотрены ключевые историографические направления в изучении предреволюционного Британского парламента. Проанализированы основные школы, научные направления (критическое, «вигское» или либеральное, марксистское, «ревизионистское», постревизионистское). Выявлены ряд тенденций в изучении предреволюционного парламента в Англии, существовавших на протяжении XX в. в англоязычной историографии, их трансформация, проанализированы новейшие тренды. Обозначен круг наиболее значимых авторов и их трудов. Рассмотрены особенности направлений, акценты, которые были актуальны для каждого хронологического периода, подходы к источникам. Отмечены общие и отличительные черты течений, выявлено отношение к данному вопросу в последние десятилетия.

Биография автора

A. V. Yushchenko, Тюменский государственный университет

асп., асс. кафедры Новой истории и международных отношений Института истории и политических наук Тюменского государственного университета

Библиографические ссылки

Библиографический список

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Hill C. Parliament and People in Seventeenth - Century England // P&P. 1981. No 92.

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Kishlansky M.A. Parliamentary Selection: Social and Political Choice in Early Modern England. Cambridge, 1986.

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Notestein W. The Winning of the Initiative by the House of Commons. New Haven, 1924.

Pears, Politics and Power. The House of Lords, 1603–1640 / ed. by C. Jones, D.L. Jones. London, 1986.

Peltonen M. Classical Humanism and Republicanism in English Political Thought 1570–1640. Сambridge, 1995.

McLaren A.N. Political Culture in the Reign of Elizabeth I. Queen and Commonwealth 1558–1585. Cambridge, 1999.

Rabb T.K. Revisionism Revised: Two Perspectives on Early Stuart Parliamentary History: The Role of the Commons // P&P. 1981. Vol. 92.

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Russell C. The Crisis of Parliaments: English History, 1509–1660. Oxford, 1971.

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Russell C. The Nature of a Parliament in Early Stuart England // Before the English Civil War / ed. by H. Tomlinson. London, 1983.

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Sharpe K. Politics and Ideas in Early Stuart England: Essays and Studies. London, 1989.

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Burgess G. Absolute Monarchy and the Stuart Constitution. New Haven, L., 1996. 564 p.

Burgess G. British Political Thought, 1500-1660. The Politics of the Post-Reformation. N.Y., 2009. 240 p.

Cogswell T.A. Low Road to Extinction? Supply and Redress of Grievances in the Parliaments of the 1620. HJ. Vol. 33. No. 2. 1990. P. 283-303.

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Curst R., Hughes A. Introduction: After Revisionism. Conflict in Early Stuart England / Ed. by Curst R., Hughes A. L., 1989. P. 1-47.

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Elton G.R. Policy and Police: The Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell. Cam-bridge. 1972.

Elton G.R. Tudor Government: The Points of Contact. I. Parliament. TRHS. 5th ser. Vol. 24. 1974. Pp. 183-200.

Foster E.R. The House of Lords, 1603-1649. Structure, Procedure, and the Nature of Its Business. Chapel Hill, London. 1983.

Graves M.A.R. The Tudor House of Lords in the reigns of Edward VI and Mary I. Ph D Thesis. Otago. 1974. Неопубликованная докторская диссертация.

Gruenfelder J.R. Influence in Early Stuart Election, 1604-1640. Columbus. 1981.

Guy J. Monarchy and Counsel: Models of the State. The Sixteenth Century / Ed. by Collinson P. Oxford. 2002. P. 113-142.

Hart J. S. Justice upon Petition: The House of Lords and the Reformation of Justice, 1621-1675. L., 1991.

Hartley T.E. Elizabeth`s Parliaments: Queen, Lords and Commons, 1559-1601. Manchester. 1992.

Hill C. Parliament and People in Seventeenth - Century England. P&P. No 92. 1981. P. 100-124.

Hirst D. Revisionism Revised: Two Perspectives on Early Stuart Parliamentary History: The Place of Principle // P&P. Vol. 92. 1981. P. 79-99.

Hexter J.H. Power Struggle, Parliament and Liberty in Early Stuart England. Journal Modern History. 1978. № 50.

Hexter J.H. Storm over the Gentry. The Tawney – Trevor-Roper Controversy. Encounter. May 1958, № 5.

Hutton R. Debates in Stuart History. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2004. 239 p.

Kishlansky M.A. Parliamentary Selection: Social and Political Choice in Early Modern England. Cambridge. 1986.

Loach J. Parliament under the Tudors. Oxford. 1991.

Mears N. Queenship and Political Discourse in the Elizabethan Realms. Cambridge. 2005.

Neale J.E. The Biographical approach to History. P. 233.

Neale J.E. Elizabeth I and her Parliaments. 2 vols. L., 1953, 1957.

Notestein W. The Winning of the Initiative by the House of Commons. New Haven. 1924.

Pears, Politics and Power. The House of Lords., 1603-1640 / Ed. by Jones C., Jones D.L. L., 1986.

Peltonen M. Classical Humanism and Republicanism in English Political Thought; McLaren A.N. Political Cul-ture in the Reign of Elizabeth I. Queen and Commonwealth 1558-1585. Cambridge. 1999.

Rabb T.K. Revisionism Revised: Two Perspectives on Early Stuart Parliamentary History: The Role of the Commons // P&P. Vol. 92. 1981. P. 55-78.

Realities of Representation. State Building in Early Modern Europe and European America / Ed. by Jansson M. N.Y., Basingstoke. 2007.

Russell C. The Crisis of Parliaments: English History, 1509-1660. Oxford. 1971.

Russell C. Parliamentary History in Perspective, 1604-1629. History. Vol. 61. No. 201. 1976. P. 1-27.

Russell C. Parliaments and English Politics, 1621-1629. Oxford. 1979.

Russell C. The Nature of a Parliament in Early Stuart England. Before the English Civil War / Ed. by Tomlinson H. L., 1983. P. 123-150.

Sharpe K. Sir Robert Cotton, 1586-1631: History and Politics in Early Modern England. Oxford. 1979.

Sharpe K. Politics and Ideas in Early Stuart England: Essays and Studies. L., 1989.

Smith D.L. The Stuart Parliaments. 1603-1689. L., 1999.

Sommerville J.P. Politics and Ideology in England, 1603-1640. L., 1986.

Stacy W.R. Impeachment, Attainder, and the “Revival” of Parliamentary Judicature under the Early Stuarts. PH. Vol. XI. 1992. P. 40-56.

Stone L. The Revival of Narrative: Reflection on a New Old History. P&P. Vol. 85. 1979. P. 3-24.

Tyacke N. Wroth, Cecil and the Parliamentary Session of 1604. BIHR. Vol.50. 1977.P. 120-125.




Как цитировать

Yushchenko, A. V. (2020). Британский предреволюционный парламент в современной англоязычной историографии. ВЕСТНИК ПЕРМСКОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА. ИСТОРИЯ, 30(3), 135–142. извлечено от https://press.psu.ru/index.php/history/article/view/3478