tutor, tutoring support, music college student, tutoring support technologies, tutoring practices, tutoring techniques, mapping, questioningAbstract
The article is devoted to the description of practical work on the implementation of tutoring support for students of the Perm College of Music (hereinafter in the article PCCMC). Students of the music college are a special category of students: they have creative abilities, a subtle sense of beauty, are extremely vulnerable and psychologically vulnerable. A significant part of them needs tutoring support, ensuring the construction of an individual educational trajectory to achieve professional pedagogical and performing skills. At the same time, the authors of the article note, teachers and students, as it turned out as a result of surveys, (1) are not sufficiently informed about the profession of a tutor, his functional responsibilities, the features of the process of tutoring students (2) teachers do not need to master tutoring competencies. The process of tutoring support is described in the article step by step, and the stages are named by the authors in strict accordance with the activities carried out. At each stage, certain tutoring technologies and tactics are implemented, the success of which is confirmed by statistical data (quantitative measurements) or an analysis of the received creative tutoring works. Analyzing the students' answers to the questionnaire, the authors emphasize that tutoring support would undoubtedly help to solve some of the problems of students at the PCCIC. Despite the relatively small number of tutors for whom it was possible to implement full-fledged (five-stage) tutoring support, the authors assess it as successful, since it was possible to determine the level of development of qualities necessary for professional self-promotion using the M. Rokich test; build individual educational routes; create an excessive educational environment that will facilitate self-determination of students; involve tutors in active work on creating video business cards, a navigator for educational Internet resources; at the reflexive stage, determine the dynamics of the formation of the skills necessary for future music teachers.Downloads