
  • Ekaterina N. Shugaeva Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev


student jargon, function, communication, nomination, codification


Currently, there is a growing interest in the study of substandard vocabulary, as substandard lexical units permeate all spheres of language. Researchers have become particularly interested in jargon, especially student jargon. The interest of researchers has especially increased in jargon, in particular in student jargon. Student jargon is one of the most striking and widespread linguistic phenomena among young people. This is a special language that is formed in the student environment and is distinguished by a number of unique expressions, words and phrases. This linguistic phenomenon not only has an entertaining function, but also reflects the specifics of student life, its values ​​and problems. It differs from the generally accepted Russian language in its substandard expressions and phraseological units, which are understandable and used exclusively among students. This article is a study devoted to the analysis of the characteristics and features of the language used by students in everyday communication, describes the various functions of student jargon such as codifying, communicative, cognitive, nominative, expressive, ideological, esoteric and time-saving functions. These functional aspects play an important role in the process of communication between students, help strengthen group identity and create a sense of belonging to a particular social group, are used for hidden communication or transfer of confidential information, and form a picture of the world. Each of the mentioned functions has a specific area of ​​application and influences the process of assimilation of substandard lexical units in student jargon. A more detailed description of each of these functions will help to systematically and comprehensively study and analyze the phenomenon of substandard lexical units of student jargon.

Author Biography

Ekaterina N. Shugaeva, Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev

N. Shugaeva – Postgraduate Student, Department of English and Professional Communications, Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev.



