Quantum ontology of «elementary intelligence»

Light and shadows of digital reality: the artificial and the natural


  • Alexander N. Spaskov Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 1/2, Surganov st., Minsk, 220072, Republic of Belarus




atom, substance, quantum monad, elementary intelligence, intellectual activity, life cycle, organic ontology, quantum-informational approach, color charge, information code, psychophysical unity, complementarity, coevolution, quantum Darwinism


The article provides a critique of atomistic ontology and reductionism in explaining the nature of life and consciousness. As an alternative direction based on organic ontology, fundamental psychophysical principles and quantum-information approach, the concept of quantum monadology is proposed, the metaphysical foundations of which are given in the works of G. Leibniz and N. Lossky. A model of «elementary intelligence» in complementary unity with the elementary body is proposed. The premise of this representation is the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics. The wave function is interpreted as a prototype of consciousness, and the observed physical quantities are interpreted as a prototype of the material body of the monad given in its phenomenal experience. The probabilistic nature of the behavior of quantum particles is explained by the objective existence of chance and the activity of quantum objects, which, perhaps, should be considered as a potential basis for the formation of the psyche. To characterize the internal state of the monad, the concept of a color charge is introduced, which has the meaning of a binary information code, and the principle of dynamic complementarity is formulated. A model of the elementary «life cycle» of a quantum monad is constructed. Elementary intelligence is understood as the ability for intellectual activity, including the processing of information significant for life, as a result of which the existence of quantum monads is maintained and reproduced. A substantial justification of quantum Darwinism is given, and a hypothesis about the genesis and co-evolutionary development of the «elementary psyche» and physical body of monads in the process of global evolution is put forward. A conclusion is made about the possibility of constructing a model of quantum behavior and the synergetic interaction of monads that form more complex systems, as well as about the prospect of developing a quantum ontology of matter and consciousness. The construction of a model of «elementary natural intelligence» will contribute to the identification of fundamental ontological limitations in the development of strong artificial intelligence.

Author Biography

Alexander N. Spaskov, Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 1/2, Surganov st., Minsk, 220072, Republic of Belarus

Candidate of Philosophy, Docent, Head of the Department of Theory of Knowledge and Methodology of Science


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