Personal and professional qualities of managers as an element of the system of social regulation of interaction between participants in the labor process
manager, leader, personal and professional qualities, managerial roles, functions of managers, performance results, management processes, social interaction, social regulation, social regulators of labor activityAbstract
The study analyzes the relationship between the personal and professional qualities of managers and their ability to influence the process of social regulation of interaction between participants in the labor process. Various approaches to classifying the qualities of managers are considered. The authors formulate their own vision of those personal and professional qualities that are necessary for the effective work of a modern manager. The concepts of «leadership» and «management» are analyzed in the context of searching for similarities and differences between them. The process of social regulation is revealed, which made it possible to assess the influence of various social regulators on building relationships in work teams. Having studied various approaches to describing the functions of managers and possible modes of behavior that managers assume in the process of management, the authors not only formulate their own vision of the functionality of managers but also identify the expected results of managers’ activities by describing the management processes necessary for the implementation of management functionality. Social regulators influencing interaction in work teams are considered. The analysis revealed the relationship between the personal and professional qualities of managers and the possibilities of using various social regulators of interaction by them. The construction of a logical chain of connections between the qualities of managers, their functionality, the expected results of their activities, the necessary management processes, and social regulators of interaction in the work environment made it possible to formulate possible ways of managers’ behavior in the system of social regulation, which can be used in the practice of personnel management.References
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