Social factors of academic procrastination
procrastination, student procrastination, side job, self-regulation, household chores, students, social factors of procrastination, expectationsAbstract
The relevance of the topic is due to the growing level of procrastination and its prevalence, which is influenced by a number of social factors that students face. The problem of academic procrastination is closely related to the categories of sociology, both at the theoretical and empirical levels. Currently, attention to this problem is increasing. The paper also analyzes contradictions in the study of this phenomenon, which is due to the interaction of the obtained subjective experience (expectations) with the social factors of procrastination. The survey showed that 60.6 % of respondents experience procrastination, 47.2 % procrastinate when completing large written tasks. In distance learning, significant reasons for procrastination were found to be: a seeming increase in free time and its incorrect assessment, a larger number of tasks. 59.6 % of respondents want to reduce procrastination through planning and self-regulation. Students who plan their activities quite rarely experience procrastination, i.e. procrastination is inversely related to planning and self-regulation, but this is not enough to claim that the main cause of procrastination is impaired self-regulation. The paper looks at social factors under the influence of which there occur changes in the structure of academic procrastination. The factors reducing procrastination are excellent grades and distribution of household responsibilities; financial assistance from parents and high earnings, and these factors are quite strongly correlated with each other. Procrastination is aggravated by lack of consultations by professors; household chores, independent work; social media. A tendency has been revealed for increased procrastination among senior students during the session, as well as with an increase in the amount of independent work of students. This requires taking into account the social component in the prevention of procrastination and ensuring educational planning and time management by students.References
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