The language of art is the language of education (based on Russian philosophy and Russian art)
Philosophy of creativity in the becoming of the culture’s language
language of art, ethics, aesthetics, axiology, education, personality development, truth, goodness, beautyAbstract
The article substantiates the role and significance of the language of art for the education of human personality. The author relies on the developments of Russian philosophy, Russian pedagogical thought, Russian aesthetics and art history reflected in the works of V.S. Solovyov, N.K. Roerich, E.I. Roerich, N.A. Berdyaev, N.O. Lossky, D.S. Likhachev. Particular attention is paid to artistic and aesthetic experience, artistic discoveries and theoretical works of V.V. Kandinsky, K. Malevich, M. Chagall, N.K. Roerich. The main functions of the language of art are considered — aesthetic, ethical and axiological. The paper emphasizes the need to take them into account in teaching humanities (philosophy, theory and history of culture, theory and history of art, history of Russian culture and art) in the Russian language in order to improve the cultural level of modern youth, both Russian and foreign students. The author comes to a conclusion that a deeper understanding of Russian culture and Russian history and familiarization with the fundamental values of the Russian people through an individual’s personal aesthetic experience is possible precisely in the language of art. Moreover, art helps to change a person’s worldview and his personality in a moral sense, to form his personal ethical principles and cultivate in him the high ideals of Truth-Goodness-Beauty in general.References
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