Modification of the paradigm of socio-cultural development of local communities in the mirror of modernization
sociocultural transformation, local communities, identity, traditions, values, coherenceAbstract
The article deals with the problem of the evolution of socio-cultural development, analyzes the trends of socio-cultural transformation of local communities of Eurasia. The use of socio-cultural, systemic approaches allows us to formulate the fundamental principles of explaining and understanding the dynamics of socio-cultural development. In the course of the evolution of culture and sociality, there arise contradictions associated with the confrontation between liberal standards and traditional values. In the process of global and local structuring, traditional sociocultures are modified into intermediate forms characterized by transitional positions. The Eurasian socio-cultural space is in a state of expansion, diffusion, there is a state of anomie. There is a gap in the construction of the socio-cultural environment between the past and the present, historically formed socio-cultural structures and institutions are disintegrated. The balance of the socio-cultural space is disturbed. The mechanism of socio-cultural synthesis based on the traditional system of values is deformed and ceases to work. The breakdown of traditional socio-cultural ties and relations worsens the reproduction of the social and human capital of communities. The processes of compression, convection of the socio-cultural world, on the one hand, determine attempts to preserve the foundations of socio-culture, while, on the other hand, the pressure of liberal concepts on socio-cultural development is noted, which contributes to the expansion of the socio-cultural space, being the basis of the emerging paradigm of socio-cultural development. In their design, the models of socio-cultural space development combine tradition, modernity and the archaic as the basic structures of an evolving local community. The principle of coherence helps to ensure the identification of all components and modifications of the socio-cultural system. The practical significance of the research lies in the designation and explanation of the dynamics of the development of the Eurasian socio-cultural space in the context of globalization processes affecting the content, pace, forms and results of evolution, which determines the need to create planning and management mechanisms that would contribute to the preservation of the traditions of socio-cultural development of local communities.References
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