Socio-psychological safety as a factor of subjective well-being of students with different levels of self-efficacy
students, emotional acceptance, satisfaction, security, harmony, social approval, social distance, social influence, safetyAbstract
The relevance of the problem posed is due to the need for psychological support for students through the optimization of socio-psychological safety. This will increase the level of students’ self-efficacy, the efficiency of their activities and interpersonal interaction. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of interrelation between the concepts of socio-psychological safety and subjective well-being in groups of students with different levels of self-efficacy. The following methodologies were used in the empirical study: «Socio-psychological safety» (T.V. Eksakusto), Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (R. Schwarzer, M. Jerusalem, in adaptation by V.G. Romek), «Questionnaire of subjective social well-being parameters» (T.V. Danilchenko). The research sample consisted of full-time university students. The correlation coefficients were calculated using the Spearman correlation coefficient; the statistical difference between the groups was proved using Fisher’s test. Subjective social well-being is considered as satisfaction with one’s own social and personal status, prospects and the current state of the society to which a person belongs, interpersonal relationships, satisfaction of social needs. The study established a high level of students’ trust, gaining of support, respect and positive feedback from the immediate environment. A comparison of two groups of students with different levels of self-efficacy showed that a high level of self-efficacy of students is due to self-confidence, positive social judgments, such students demonstrate a high level of consistency and safety in interpersonal relations. The study established differences in the relationship between the parameters of socio-psychological safety and subjective social well-being in groups of students with different levels of self-efficacy. Students with a high level of self-efficacy strive to get information about the partner and the situation in communication, show confidence in their ability to actively influence the situation of interaction in accordance with their goals. Students with a low level of self-efficacy ensure subjective wellbeing in interpersonal relations through focusing on the opinions of significant people, through getting their support, acceptance, help, and positive emotional feedback.References
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