A system-integrative approach to holistic cognition of the individuality of a growing person as a subject of education



  • Bronislav A. Vyatkin Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia
  • Alexey Yu. Kalugin Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia
  • Olga Yu. Karakulova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia




system, interaction of systems, integral individuality, holistic cognition, teacher, student, parent


The article presents and develops a system-integrative approach in relation to the holistic cognition of the individuality of a student as a subject of education. It develops, on the one hand, Merlin’s theory of integral individuality and, on the other hand, the system approach in terms of its application in pedagogical practice. It is proposed to consider the interaction of the systems of a subject, integral individuality, and cognition as a polysystem. In this model, a subject is understood as an active entity whose manifestations are externally observable and can be recognized by others. Integral individuality is a self-developing and self-regulating system consisting of relatively closed subsystems (levels) of the integral large system «man – society». Cognition is studied in the aspect of pedagogical cognition of a student, which integrates the structures of the student’s self-cognition and the teacher’s or parent’s reflective knowledge in the interaction with this student. It is possible to talk about holistic cognition of a student’s individuality when his integral individuality becomes an object of cognition on the part of a teacher, parent, and the student himself. The novelty and theoretical significance of the work are determined by the fact that it fits into the currently developing area of psychological science: the development of tools for psychodiagnostic research that are in demand in pedagogical and social practice. The practical significance lies in the fact that it opens up the way for the development of new programs and technologies of human cognition.

Author Biographies

Bronislav A. Vyatkin, Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology

Alexey Yu. Kalugin , Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Candidate of Psychology, Docent, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology

Olga Yu. Karakulova , Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 24, Sibirskaya st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology


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