The main approaches of Indian Yogācāra’s philosophy’s investigation in foreign Indian studies of twenty century



  • Sergey Leonidovich Burmistrov Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 18, Dvortsovaya emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russia



history of Buddhist studies, history of philosophy, Yogācāra, methodology of the studies of history


Methodology of Yogācāra studies developed from apriori philosophical method based on investigation of Buddhist philosophy from the position of Western conceptions on the nature of philosophy to the conceptual analysis method, the essence of which is the articulation of fundamental terms of Yogācāra philosophy and from that — to the philological analysis demanding study of strictly linguistic and compositional peculiarities of Buddhist texts. The results of the work can be used in the studies of the history of Buddhist and European philosophy.

Author Biography

Sergey Leonidovich Burmistrov , Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 18, Dvortsovaya emb., Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Leading Researcher


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