Nanotechnology and nanoscience: epistemological approach
nanotechnology, instrumental revolution, philosophy of technology, technoscience, nanoscale systems, reductionism, constructive realismAbstract
The paper is devoted tothe basis of the instrumental revolution, connected with the emergence of nanotechnologies. The author drawsthat the ontological features of nanosystems engineering are related to the specific of objects and manipulators dimensions, which are beyond the dominance of quantum effects, but are not sufficient for revealing of properties in macroworld. The epistemological basis of nanotechnologies is being conceived in the context of constructive and reductionism. In this case, its methodological foundations are the unity of the nanoworld and the practical improvement of natural objects, up to human being. The paper presents that «neoreductionism» of nanoscience differs significantly from the classical version. Moreover, it is not contrary to the principle of holism, but can be viewed as a new (convergent) level of this theory. Emergent properties are considered here as the result of synergetic interaction of technologies.References
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