Consumer sentiment in Vologda region in terms of socio-economic changes



  • Irina Nikolaevna Dementieva Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of Russian Academy of Sciences, 56а, Gorkiy str., Vologda, 160014, Russia



consumer sentiment index, the index of the current state, future expectations index, real disposable income, income groups, public opinion


In the modern market economy, consumers play a crucial role, as they carried costs account for over half of gross domestic product. An important tool for measuring consumer sentiment is the index of consumer sentiment - a unique macro-economic indicator, which is calculated on the basis of sociological data. The purpose of this article is to examine the characteristics of consumer sentiment inhabitants of Vologda region in the conditions of crisis processes in the economy. The study is based on data from monitoring of public opinion in the Vologda region, which ISEDT RAS carries out in the region since 1995. As the results of opinion polls during the last year in terms of economic crisis marked deterioration in consumer sentiment inhabitants of Vologda region. The deterioration of consumer sentiment affected all the main socio-demographic groups. The negative changes occurred in the dynamics of the partial indices, forming consumer behavior of the population. Consumer sentiment is due to the influence of a combination of factors: reduction of incomes of the population, reducing the purchasing power, worsening inflation expectations. The deterioration of consumer sentiment in the conditions of crisis processes in the economy negatively affected the social well-being of the population as a whole. Consumer sentiment is reflected in the assessment of the activities of federal and regional bodies of executive power. Studies have shown that the index of consumer sentiment as a comprehensive indicator of social and economic change sensitively recorded the economic situation in the region, as well as respond to its possible changes, that is certain ability to forecast future development.

Author Biography

Irina Nikolaevna Dementieva , Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of Russian Academy of Sciences, 56а, Gorkiy str., Vologda, 160014, Russia

Junior Researcher of Laboratory Studies of Social Processes


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