Integration of a social communication in innovative discourse



  • Marina Grigorievna Shilina National Research University — Higher School of Economics, 8/2, Maliy Trehsvyatitelsk al., Moscow, 109028, Russia



innovation, communication, eco-economic discourse, PR, media, collaboration, the Internet, ontological status


Social-economic discourse in the XXI century is essentially transformed. The main driver of change in the developed world are global eco-economic that is environmentally, economically, socially responsible business strategies, which are based on modern concepts of intellectual, innovative economy. These realities reflect global economic trends, and the national innovation system (NIS) differ considerably. In Russia, there are preconditions, including the declaration of state for innovation, but complex theoretical research in this field has not yet offered. A study of actual features of the discourse of innovation as the object, and the characteristics of social communication, especially professional communication of public relations, as the subject has relevance and scientific novelty. The paper analyzes the basic characteristics of the discourse of innovation in the 21st century. The author reveals the systemic and functional changes due to the transformation of the discourse of classical models of the innovation economy and production. New integrating elements of nonclassical models become active audience and professional communicants, and the Internet. Typological range of professional social communication in the discourse of innovation demonstrates the emergence of a wide range of new directions, confirming the need of the integrating element in the model innovation as mandatory. Theoretical positions, presented in the article, allow to form the theoretical and practical concepts and strategies in the field of innovation, which are particularly important for the Russian national innovation system.

Author Biography

Marina Grigorievna Shilina , National Research University — Higher School of Economics, 8/2, Maliy Trehsvyatitelsk al., Moscow, 109028, Russia

D.Sc. (Habilitation), Associate Professor of Integrated Communication Department


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