Family practices of childhood’s protection
childhood’s protection, family (parental) practices, institutional practices, safe environment, risks, resources, self-defenseAbstract
The analysis of daily parental actions in the field of childhood protection, marked as practices, is presented in the article. Efficiency of process of childhood protection is considered as a result of two different directed processes — an institutionalization and a familization. At the local level this opposition is expressed by the struggle between education, health care, legal protection and social support’s organization and family for resources and influence on the child. By the context of protection childhood’s autonomisation is presented as development of self-protection practicians with the help of family and institutional resources. Data of deep interviews with parents (N =24) form an empirical basis of research. The ideal option of interaction «Family – Institution» is social partnership as a combination of parents’ activity and institutional resources’ support. As the base of other line of interaction («Family – Child») is defined two components — parental support and independence of the child. Style «Adaptation» is presented as optimum option of gradual parental intervention and control’s narrowing due to the child’s training in practicians of safe behavior and self-defense.References
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