Reflexive characteristic adaptations and sociometric status



  • Arina Dmitrievna Balabina Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia



five factor theory, self-reflection, reflexive characteristic adaptations, sociometric status, architecture of personality


In the context of the five-factor theory (McCrae & Costa, 1996, 2003), the present study addresses the contribution of reflexive characteristic adaptations to the relationship between personality traits and sociometric status of students. In this regard, we conducted an empirical research which employed a sample of 300 undergraduates aged from 17 to 23 years (including 240 women). A set of the Big Five Inventory (John et al., 1991, 2008) modifications were used which measure reflexive characteristic adaptations along with conventional personality traits. The study revealed that extraversion rendered an effect on sociometric status only through attitude toward extraversion. Structural modeling and the analysis of mediations showed that attitude toward extraversion was more important predictor of sociometric status than extraversion itself. We found out that the influence of this predictor went beyond the scope of personality traits themselves as well as other reflexive characteristic adaptations (particularly trait efficacy, meta-traits and meta-attitudes toward traits). Along with positive attitudes toward extraversion, these were positive attitude toward neuroticism and negative attitude toward conscientiousness that predicted an increased sociometric status among undergraduates.

Author Biography

Arina Dmitrievna Balabina , Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia

Post-graduate student of Developmental Psychology Department


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