The problem of space and motion in quantum mechanics
kinematics, infinity, atemporallity, lack of trajectory, real space, movement, quantum mechanicsAbstract
In the present work shown are contradiction between beliefs about space movement of physical objects in classical and quantum mechanics. A theory that resolves the known Zenonaporiasand removes this contradiction is suggested. The basic assumption is the atemporal nature of the basic movements of quantum micro-objects (including atoms) in continuous space. In our previous papers we suggested the principle of atemporality: certain parameters of a quantum micro-object, including coordinates in space, change atemporarily. Indeed, the Heisenberg relation of uncertainty shows that the presence of coordinates of a quantum particle is incompatible with the presence of its velocity. The Schrödinger equation describes probabilistically exactly that, which objectively and actually takes place in reality. It is also permissible to treat this equation in favor of atemporality: even within an indefinitely small period of time there is some probability that a particle is present in certain volume, and in the next indefinitely small period of time there is some probability that the same particle is absent in the same volume. It is shown that a set of sequential extra-temporal teleportations of atoms constituting a macro-bodyresults in its temporal movement.References
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