Alcohol consumption as factor of violations of youth’s health
health, alcohol consumption, teenagersAbstract
On the basis of the analysis of statistical data of medical statistics the problem of violation of somatic and mental health of teenagers of the Russian Federation is considered. The negative consequences of abuse of alcoholic products teenagers connected with violation of activity of vitals and systems of an organism are estimated. It is emphasized that comparison of results of researches and statistical data on an alcohol intake problem among teenagers is complicated by absence of uniform understanding of the term «alcohol abuse». The special attention is paid to studying of dynamics of an indicator alcohol intake with harmful consequences as marker of abuse of alcohol of teenagers which reflects a true condition of incidence and level of abuse of alcohol among young people of teenage age. It is noted that, despite decrease in an indicator of incidence in connection with alcohol intake with harmful consequences of teenagers during the period from 2010 to 2012, this indicator remains at the high level and exceeds a similar indicator for 2005. The contribution of abuse of alcohol to incidence of persons of teenage age is defined as considerable.References
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