Features of value-notional sphere of people with different intensity of feeling the threat of an emergency



  • Sergey Vladimirovich Pogorelov National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 94, Chernyshevskaya str., Kharkov, 61023,Ukraine




value-notional sphere, emergency, the intensity of feeling


In the article the urgency of studies of the value-notional sphere of the Ukrainian residents with different intensity of feeling the threat of an emergency is justified. With the help of a specially designed questionnaire the intensity of feeling the threat of an emergency among people with different experiences of involvement in it has been determined. The highest intensity of emotions has been revealed among the victims of emergency situations, as well as those whose relatives and friends have suffered and those who were direct witnesses of emergency. Individuals with high and low intensity of feeling the threat of an emergency show significant differences in the values and means to achieve the goals, that is caused by both personal characteristics and the presence/absence of a traumatic experience, life expectancies, priorities, attitude to the future, the degree of confidence and the ability to overcome difficulties.

Author Biography

Sergey Vladimirovich Pogorelov, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine, 94, Chernyshevskaya str., Kharkov, 61023,Ukraine

Ph.D. Student of Department of Psychology of Working in Special Conditions


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