Virtual intersubjectivity: the social and existential aspects of the analysis
intersubjectivity, substantiality, intersubjective sociality, substantial sociality, communication, social communication, virtual subject, virtual intersubjectivityAbstract
In this article the phenomena of virtual subject and virtual intersubjectivity are considered. For the analysis of modern society the author applies to the categories introduced into philosophy by E. Husserl and his follower A. Schutz. The concept of intersubjectivity has been used by E. Husserl to explain the interaction between individuals — monads. A. Schutz continued working in this direction and adapted this concept to the analysis of social reality. Today the specifics of social communications are changing. Therefore, the categorical system of phenomenology needs to be adjusted. One of the contemporary trends is virtualization. The significant transformation of the fundamentals of social life is a distinctive feature of virtualization of the sociality in the information period. For example, a new principle of network organization is being developed in the virtual world. Now this principle is extended to the social structures that exist in reality.References
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