The problem of the scientific view of the world’s structure



  • Mikhail Yurievich Soroka Ph.D. Student of Department of Philosophy
  • Igor Il’ich Bulychev Ivanovo State University, 39, Yermak str., Ivanovo, 153025, Russia



scientific view of the world, structure, functions, knowledge, evaluation, concept image


This article specifies the questions of maintenance of different views of the world and, foremost, scientific view of the world, which plugs in itself the great number of withstand theories, which in the aggregate describe, explain and predict development. Any view of the world is a representative of some fragment of the combined natural and social reality. The view of the world organized properly in the process of spiritual (theoretical) activity substitutes for one or another cut of life and thereby converts it into the subject matter of research idea. The view of the world is called an ideal appearance to substitute for that reality in which live a man has to live. This substitution allows a subject to produce such operations with this second reality, which are impossible with the primary reality or with reality in itself. Any view of the world (including scientific) is conditioned by requirements, interests and ideals of man in cognition, estimation and orientation of subject. Through necessities, interests and ideals the subject world, humanified nature gets into the spiritual world (world of reflections) and forms it. Specifying distinctions between science and scientific view of the world, on can see in science the integral phenomenon of more volume and dynamic order as compared to the scientific view of the world, which is more steady and inertial. Modern structure of scientific view of the world can not be reduced only to the natural sciences’ and to social and humane one. In it is certainly necessary to include the technical view of the world in it. Our society is becoming more and more technogeneous, which creates epistemological and social-axiological pre-conditions for strengthening of intensions of technological determinism in different aspects.

Author Biographies

Mikhail Yurievich Soroka , Ph.D. Student of Department of Philosophy

Ph.D. Student of Department of Philosophy

Igor Il’ich Bulychev, Ivanovo State University, 39, Yermak str., Ivanovo, 153025, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of Department of Philosophy


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