What do we need retranslating Nietzsche for?



  • Alexander Vladimirovich Pertsev Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, 51, Lenin str., Yekaterinburg, 620000, Russia




F. Nietzsche, Russian translations of philosophical texts, linguistic feeling, I.A. Jebanoidze, K.A. Svas’yan


The author states low quality of Nietzsche texts’ Russian translations. According to him this leads to misunderstanding of these texts, which is why Nietzsche often is called an irrationalist philosopher. I.A. Jebanoidze and K.A. Svas’yan’s alternative translation strategies are analysed. The author is certain, that translation of a philosophical text has to be a precisely exact pasticcio intelligible for modern readers. As for linguistic aspect, the translation should be fine and as for psychological aspect — it should be frantic, making strong emotional impact on the reader. Otherwise the reader inevitably be estranged and distance him/herself from the text and from the author. The language is fluctuating, word meaning changes throughout centuries, which is why each cultural period should have its own translations of previous outstanding works. Therefore Nietzsche should be retranslated.

Author Biography

Alexander Vladimirovich Pertsev , Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, 51, Lenin str., Yekaterinburg, 620000, Russia

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,Head of Department of History of Philosophy and Philosophy of Education


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