The possibility of using the TACT program for the analysis of methodological historical and psychological texts



  • T.A. Ivanova Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia


system, system approach, program TACT, analysis of texts


The article is devoted to the methodological possibilities of using computer programs to measure the psychological study of historical texts. The article focuses on demonstrating the possibilities of the program TACT to the analysis of texts by B. Lomov, V. Merlin, V. Hansen, B. Shadrikov dedicated to the methodology of system approach in the psychology of the 80's the 20 th century.The author argues that content-analytic study using the TACT program has significant advantages, such as processing speed, visual display of results and transparent procedures for the operationalization of all the variables. The program allows to reveal the highly informative results, which should be interpreted in a broad historical context as well as in combination with other methods of data gathering.


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