Academic performance as factor of knowledge in cultural domains and inclinations in type of vocation



  • C.V. Dudorova Perm State University, 15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Russia


academic performance, cultural potentials, inclination in type of vocation


Consideration in complex relation of the academic performance, knowledge in cultural domains (cultural potentials), inclinations in type of vocation. Participants were 166 undergraduates at Perm Teachers Training University. Academic performance was measured by scores obtained on exams. Сultural potentials were measured using the «Culture in your life» inventory» [8], inclination in type of vocation were measured using the of the «Differential-diagnostic questionnaire» [6]. Data obtained by correlation analysis demonstrated that, with growth academic performance cultural potentials in domains gnostic and literature, and inclination in type of vocation «human — artistic image» growth, а inclination in type of vocation «human — technique» — lower. On results of the structural modeling were demonstrated what academic performance maybe by factor growth of cultural potentials in domains gnostic and inclination in type of vocation «human — artistic image».


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