need for cognition, cognitive feelings, metacognitions, personality traits, psychometricsAbstract
The history of 30-years long use of the Need for Cognition Scale (NCS, Cacioppo & Petty, 1982) as well as the need for cognition construct itself is briefly considered in the article. Afterwards, the necessity to develop the Russian version of NCS is stressed. In this respect, Russian NCS was invented and tested with the sample of 482 participants. Russian NCS has shown reliable internal consistency (α=.82) as well as the one-factor solution with the exploratory factor analysis. However, somewhat decreased eigenvalue and fit indices in the confirmatory factor analysis were also revealed. Concerning concurrent validity of the scale, NC correlated positively with openness to experience measured with BFI and negatively with right-wing authoritarianism measured with RWAS. In terms of incremental validity of the Russian NCS, it was revealed that NC significantly moderates the relation between openness to experience and right-wing authoritarianism. Results,limitations and future research perspectives are discussed.References
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